Who we are
The Europäische Berufsbildungswerk, in short: Euro-BBW, is in many respects a very special vocational college:
- It is the newest and most up to date facility for young people who, as a result of physical or mental handicaps, need special support in ensuring a professional future - Learning
- It is situated on the outside edge of Rheinland-Pfalz and thus part of the largest border region in Europe making learning and working on an international level possible.
- It is also open to people with special needs who live in another European country.
- It has a highly qualified staff who see individual autonomy and self-determination as well as solidarity and tolerance as the key aspects of their job.
- It organises the support for young people so that the attention is focussed on the person as a whole - Holism.
- It offers opportunities to train towards European qualifications and intercultural competence and gives intensive support wherever necessary - Study workshop.
- It works in national and international networks co-operating with unions, companies, job centers, rehabilitation facilities, administrative offices, universities, and self help organisations, ensuring that our work remains in touch with progress.
- It was certified three times by TÜV Süd within the framework of the quality management: according to the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, the accreditation and authorization regulation – promotion of employment (AZAV) of the Federal Employment Agency and the management requirements concerning occupational safety of the trade association for public welfare and health services Berufsgenossenschaft für Wohlfahrtspflege und Gesundheitsdienste (MAAS-BGW)) – Quality.
We look forward to hearing from you!