
Excursions form a regular part of the leisure program at the Euro-BBW with climbing, cycle and kayak tours in the local area as well as trips to football matches and visits to foreign countries. 

For several years we are participating in the „Fairplay Tour of the Greater Region“ (Fairplay Tour der Großregion) with a cycling team. This bicycle tour through Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Lorraine, Luxembourg and Belgium with a distance of 750 km aims at setting an example for a united and open Europe and to generate revenues for training projects in Ruanda.  

Two social counsellors annually organise a summer camp of 10 days for a group of participants. In the last years they travelled e.g. for water-sports to Italy or camping to Sweden or Southern France or for adventure tours through the Netherlands. It's never boring as the combination of camping, hiking, fishing and Sightseeing has proven to be diverting and entertaining.