
With heart and mind, keeping an eye on the person as a whole.

This is the principle behind our educational action and the support in the Euro-BBW. That means, in a concrete sense: Every rehabilitation participant is looked after by a so-called Rehab-Team. This team is made up of:

  • the participant himself/herself
  • the trainer in the respective vocation.
  • the class teacher (from the vocational school in the Euro-BBW)
  • the carer responsible with a qualification in psychology, social education or education
  • and the accommodation group supervisor.

This team coordinates the complete support process, picking up on current developments and initiating adjustments as necessary. At various points in time, a professional integration consultant contributes to the team. Not a person's disability is paramount, but the person themself. Aspects from their previous life and learning experience, present situation (also outside the Euro-BBW) and current perspectives and plans can be brought into the work with each young individual.