Health Promotion
Promoting healthy practices at work is a central topic at the Euro-BBW for the trainees and staff alike. A team of six specialists cover the core work, supported by two consulting physicians (specialists for psychiatry, psychotherapy and neurology) who are available by appointment in the inhouse clinic.
The medical consulting and care include:
- decisions when and where to see a doctor
- close communication and co-operation with regional doctors, clinics and psychiatric care facilities
- first aid in emergencies
- provision of daily and weekly medication
- drug screenings
- project work and group activities (eg. nutritional advice, excercise, addiction prevention)
The physio therapeutic programmes include:
- medical exercise therapy
- joint mobilisation, physio-taping, proprio-training, bending techniques, back strengthening
- massage
- lymph drainage
- electro therapy
- breathing therapy
- one-to-one sensomotoric training
- psychomotor activity
The ergotherapeutic services include:
- ergotherapeutic diagnostics
- mental performance training
- structured group activity psychomotricity (in co-operation with physical therapy)
- training "daily life activities" (structured group activity)
- relaxation techniques (autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation methods)
- creative and group work activities
- psychomotor activity